Maskpol Filter FP 211/1-P3/W/FF P3
Multi-gas filter absorber FP 211/1-P3/W designed for gas mask MT213/2. In combination with the mask it constitutes a complete protection of the respiratory system against the harmful effects of toxic industrial substances in the form of solid and liquid particles.
The filter absorber uses a Rd 40x17" threaded connector. The body of the FP 211/1-P3/W model is made of durable plastic. The lifetime of the filter absorber is limited by the odor threshold, i.e. the concentration of the substance does not exceed the value of the PAC (the highest permissible concentration sensed by the user. Exceptionally, if the filter respirator will be used only for protection against mercury vapors then its total time of use can not exceed 50 hours.
The filter respirator can be used only for protection against mercury vapors.
The standard EN 14387:2004, the requirements of which are met by the filter, specifies against what hazards the filtering device used in the mask provides protection, these are mainly:
- Organic vapors and gases whose boiling point is higher than 65 degrees,
. - inorganic gases and vapors except carbon monoxide,
- Sulfur dioxide and other acidic vapors and gases,
- ammonia and organic derivatives of ammonia.
Manufacturer: Maskpol, Poland