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How to take care of a sleeping bag? - Practical tips

How to take care of a sleeping bag? - Practical tips

Washing a sleeping bag is one of the less pleasant activities associated with expeditions and camping. It is not uncommon for a sleeping bag to be one of the more expensive pieces of equipment. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to wash your sleeping bag so that you do not damage it. From this article you will learn how to take care of your sleeping bag, how to wash a down sleeping bag and synthetic one, and how to fold it and attach it to a backpack.

Hygiene is basic, meaning how to take care of a sleeping bag

During expeditions, the sleeping bag replaces our bedding, so the rules for washing the sleeping bag are somewhat similar to the rules for washing bedding. It is not necessary to wash the sleeping bag after every night slept in it. In this case, it is enough to air it out. However, the matter looks a little different after a trip of several days, then washing the sleeping bag is already necessary.

You may often come across the belief that it is best to wash your sleeping bag as rarely as possible. On the other hand, however, remember that the cleanliness and freshness of the sleeping bag affects your health. Our body secretes sweat, sebum and gets rid of dead skin. All these impurities settle on the inner surface of the sleeping bag and become a breeding ground for mites. On the trail, you can't always thoroughly take care of your hygiene, so it's important to take care of the sleeping bag you sleep in.

Here are some tips to help you extend the freshness of your sleeping bag a little longer:

  • If you have the option, use a sleeping bag liner. It will prevent sweat and moisture from being absorbed into the insulation. It can also improve the thermal properties of your sleeping bag.
  • Use a sleeping pad, self-inflating mat or mattress. Do not spread your sleeping bag directly on the ground. Remember that, especially at night, humidity can rise, creating a risk of your sleeping bag getting damp from the ground.
  • Try to dry your sleeping bag before packing it in your backpack. To a large extent, it is the moisture that causes mites to multiply. Have you ever packed still damp clothes in your backpack before a trip? Believe us, you don't want to sleep in it.
  • Air out your sleeping bag. Regularly airing your sleeping bag will remove moisture and odor from it. Remember, however, that airing won't take care of the whole thing. Eventually, you will have to wash your sleeping bag anyway.
  • Wash off minor stains on a regular basis. If the stains are not minor, just use a sponge to scrub them off the surface of the sleeping bag.

Applying these tips will allow you to postpone the day of washing your sleeping bag a bit. These rules will work well for short, i.e. one or several day trips. After a longer trip or when the dirt is deep, the sleeping bag should be washed. Then the question arises, how to properly wash a sleeping bag? It all depends on what kind of filling your sleeping bag has.

How to wash a down sleeping bag?

If you approach washing and drying incorrectly, you can permanently damage your sleeping bag. We will tell you how to properly wash your down sleeping bag so that there is no clumping of down, loss of loft or gathering of down in one place.

The first step is to decide where you will wash your down sleeping bag. You can use a professional laundry, but not every laundry offers a service for washing sleeping bags. You also have to reckon with the cost. Most often the choice falls on a washing machine. In this case, you need to look at both the sleeping bag and the washing machine. Depending on the size of the sleeping bag, the washing machine should have a sufficiently capacious drum. Also remember to clean the laundry detergent feeder beforehand, there may be detergent residue in it that is not suitable for your sleeping bag.

It's time to take a look at the sleeping bag, specifically at its label. There you will find the necessary information, such as the temperature at which your sleeping bag should be washed. The next step is to choose detergents. Just as with washing outdoor clothing, in the case of sleeping bags, don't use liquid rinses or bleach. It's best to opt for a special down cleaner. When you wash your down sleeping bag in the washing machine, use a program dedicated to delicate fabrics, with low speed and no spin. If your washing machine has a drum that is too small, you can wash the sleeping bag by hand. The process of washing by hand is similar to washing in a washing machine. Use suitable laundry detergent and prepare water at a moderate temperature. Remember to wash your down sleeping bag by hand gently - don't rub the material, don't twist it and knead it gently.

You already know how to wash a down sleeping bag properly, but what about drying it? It is not worth waiting to dry a down sleeping bag. The safest way is to use a tumble dryer. Just like in a washing machine, you should set a gentle program, low temperature. In the drum of the dryer you can throw soft balls designed for down, which will prevent it from clumping during drying. When the sleeping bag is still damp after drying, simply repeat the process. When you don't have access to a tumble dryer, use the traditional method. Reserve some time, however, as this is quite a time-consuming activity. Lay out the down sleeping bag on a towel in a dry, warm and shaded place. Remember never to hang the down sleeping bag on a string, the down will sink and clump in the lower part. Every now and then you will have to turn the sleeping bag over and break up the clumping down by hand. However, there is a considerable risk that it will be impossible to break up the heavily clumped down by hand. If you don't have a dryer at your disposal, it will be safest to use the services of a laundry. It is impossible, unfortunately, to speed up drying with this method. Arm yourself with patience, preferably several days.

How to wash a synthetic sleeping bag?

Washing a synthetic sleeping bag is much simpler than washing a down sleeping bag. A synthetic sleeping bag does not require much attention. The most proven is to wash synthetics in a washing machine. For this purpose, as with down sleeping bags, use the right detergents and a gentle program. Choose the washing temperature according to the label on the sleeping bag. If your washing machine has a drum that is too small in diameter, you are free to wash your synthetic sleeping bag by hand, following the rules of washing machine washing.

Drying a synthetic sleeping bag is also less demanding than drying a down sleeping bag. If you want to use a tumble dryer, check the information on the sleeping bag's label. For the traditional method, you can use the drying method of a down sleeping bag. Although there is no risk of down sagging in a synthetic sleeping bag, it is also worth using towel drying. The whole process of drying synthetics takes less time, and as a rule there is also no need to break up the clumps of the sleeping bag filling. Remember to turn the sleeping bag over when one side is already dry.

How to properly fold a sleeping bag?

Every camper should have the ability to fold a sleeping bag. As we mentioned, a sleeping bag is often one of the more expensive items in camping equipment, so you don't want to tear it while packing. This seemingly simple activity can cause a few problems. It's a good idea to use some steps for folding your sleeping bag:

  1. Lay out the sleeping bag on a flat surface. Then stretch it carefully so that it is not folded in any place. Fasten the zipper.
  2. Fold the sleeping bag in half and align the edges.
  3. Start rolling up the sleeping bag, remembering to control whether the material has folded or, whether you roll the sleeping bag evenly.
  4. After rolling the sleeping bag, secure it before unrolling it. Some manufacturers attach special drawstrings or straps to their sleeping bags. If your model does not include these, you can use a cord or strap.
  5. LPlace the secured sleeping bag in a cover. The cover will protect your sleeping bag from dirt during your hike.

Following the tips above, properly assembling your sleeping bag should be trivial.

You can also use a compression bag for your sleeping bag. This is a useful gadget that will reduce the space your sleeping bag takes up. It is worth remembering that a rolled sleeping bag will not fit into the compression bag. When using the bag, the sleeping bag should be slowly stuffed. When packed in this way, the sleeping bag is not squished evenly, so its filling will not clump in one place, which can happen when it is folded. You can also use it as a sleeping bag cover or pack clothes or towels in it.

On the go – meaning how to strap a sleeping bag to your backpack

When you go on a short trip, you don't always take a roomy backpack into which you can stow a sleeping bag. What to do with a sleeping bag in such a situation? Without a sleeping bag, a night spent in the open air will not be one of the most pleasant. The answer to this question is simple - attach the sleeping bag to the backpack.

Attaching a sleeping bag to a backpack is not a difficult task, but it is worth remembering to do it properly. The sleeping bag should not sag and flop around while walking. Some backpacks have been equipped with special straps for attaching the sleeping bag. Most often you will find them at the bottom of the backpack or at the top, often above the flap. If your backpack does not have this fastener, you can use a rope. Remember to make sure that the sleeping bag adheres as much as possible to the backpack. This way the sleeping bag will be stable, and you won't lose it. You can attach your sleeping bag in places where there are sleeping bag straps with other backpacks. However, attaching your sleeping bag outside should be a last resort. Carrying your sleeping bag clipped to your backpack can contribute to its damage or loss. The best option is to take a backpack with sufficient capacity that the sleeping bag can also fit into it.